Office Parking

Let’s imagine this! You get up and prepare for work. Grab your freshly brewed coffee, grab a quick breakfast and hurry to work. Due to the traffic, you have no set time to arrive at work. To make the journey as pleasant as possible, and because you probably have to do this at least 5 times a week, you would rather commute in the comfort of your car. After a long journey, you arrive at your workplace and await the day ahead. 

Keeping your vehicle from becoming homeless is so difficult that you want to pull out your hair. It’s the same story every day!

If you’re one of those individuals working in a metropolitan city, relating to the story will be a cakewalk.

It cannot be easy to find a parking spot anywhere today. You can find a parking space anywhere today, whether at work, a shopping mall, or when you dine out. The most frustrating of all the situations mentioned is being unable to find a parking spot at your workplace due to the strict punctuality that most of us must adhere to at work. No one wants to waste their time searching for parking when they have so much to do for the rest of the day.

You’re a business owner who wants to rent/lease an office space. Ensuring ample space to accommodate every employee’s vehicle, visitors and clients.

If you can, create a parking plan that employees can follow. Imagine you have employees who work different shifts at different times of the day, with only a limited number of parking spaces. You can then assign the same parking spot to two or three employees and ask them to work together to find the best solution.

Car-pooling is another way to reduce air pollution. You can encourage employees who work in the same location and are on the same shift. This will help to save parking spaces, as well as contribute to the reduction of traffic.

When choosing a coworking area, it is important to consider its location. If you don’t want your vehicle, ensure you can get there by public transportation.


By providing offices that cater to the professional needs of every individual, Unispace today stands as one of the most preferred office providers in India and Malaysia.

Unispace is aware of the need for parking in our automobile-crazed world. They pay attention to how much space they have available. Our locations are such that you have public transport if you do not have your vehicle.

We can change how we operate since cars are parked on average 95% of the time during their lifetime. If we have private vehicles, it is best to compromise our commute for the sake of the environment and peace of mind. If you can’t, consider these tips on dealing with the lack of parking at your office.

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