How a Coworking Space Can Shape the Growth of a Startup
In order to succeed in a business, firms – especially, start-ups– need to break away from the traditional corporate culture. This has been established in the world of business since a new age working culture emerged in the early 2000s. Coworking spaces – or shared working environments– along with that culture, brought about a change in how companies planned for growth. In other words- they just stopped planning too much. What exactly came with the concept of coworking that it revolutionized business strategies? Let us try to make sense of some of them in this piece-
The Much Required Alternative Space
Apart from capital, it is people, services, vibes, and stories which are important to start an enterprise and take it further towards success. In a traditional corporate business model, there is a predetermined goal and less flexibility of improvisation. And, to start with, it requires a huge investment along with a secluded group of people to work. For a start-up to grow, this is impossible. Not only the lack of funds but also inspiration and business perspectives can impact its existence. On the other hand, a coworking space, as an environment that incorporates all these elements, can provide the moral boost while opening new windows for start-ups.
More Investment on Quality, Less on Operational Expenditures
In a coworking space, start-ups get to use all the facilities and resources like other companies that have their private office spaces. At the same time, compared to the super expensive IT parks where a rigid contract would hunt you even when business is not doing well, you can leave these less expensive coworking office spaces without any legal complications. This is also true for the serviced office spaces. Start-ups or freelancers can rent the places for a limited time with an option to move out when they want. For any company, it is very important to have more time and capital towards productivity, and not for office maintenance or upgradation. That’s exactly what these work environments offer!
Since with a little expenditure you have an address, office, conference room, recreation space- refreshments, and maybe a gym, indoor games, medical facilities etc., you can put more money in production. That could be in updating technology, increasing manpower or market research- which are individually forces of growth in themselves!
Collaborating with Uniqueness
Start-ups are meant to form networks and grow thereby. Sometimes a start-up starts with a single man. To become successful, it has to not only be unique with ideas but also to embrace others with uniqueness.
Sometimes it could be a skilled professional that you need; sometimes a funding source or a fundraising platform. It also could be another start-up which can complement yours. Coincidence is that, or a convenience, everything required is found in the same coworking space. Others need you as much as you need them. One just realizes it once having a customized office in such a space.
Your first collaboration starts with the coworking space which in itself is a promoting brand! By collaborating (renting) a serviced office in a shared workspace, you already enjoy the services of some best agencies that take care of your employees’ transport, set up their salary accounts, and provide security with cutting-edge technologies.
Remaining Updated
Everything said and done, when it comes to launching the product, the start-up is put to test. If a product/service is launched at the appropriate time, it is approved by the market and bought by the customers. Therefore, it is essential for any business to remain familiar with the market reality. A coworking space, being a melting point of all kinds of products, ideas, and trends, keeps your start-up updated. These platforms have appointed community managers/facility operators who work towards making sure you have current market statistics and proper collaboration. Since you are in collaboration with the office service in a way, they make sure your business succeeds.
According to Porter Gale, “your network is your net worth”. Having a start-up’s presence in a coworking environment just multiplies your net worth from the beginning. Being positioned in such a state, as an innovative start-up, you can only think of growth without much planning. Get your place booked at a serviced office with coworking features, and put one more step towards success! Still wondering where? Try Unispace!